VBN Endorsed, Inc.

‘VBN: Endorsed’ offers you a unique and effective avenue to promote your services. It affords live, immediate exposure to one of Vero’s largest local social media groups, while also assuring the VBN community that your business has a solid reputation.

As you know, VBN permits repeat requests regarding referrals. This means that, depending on your line of business, your company could be endorsed on multiple posts a week! This repetition enhances name recognition. So, while someone may not need your services this month, when they need them a month from now, your company’s name will come to mind.

Finally, in keeping with one of VBN’s core goals — which is helping promote Vero’s businesses — there are 3 required criteria for any applying business.

  1. If applicable, they must be registered on SunBiz and be appropriately insured, and licensed.
  2. They have a good reputation (that is consistent moving forward).`
  3. They give back to the community.

Excited to join this group of businesses? Want to know more? Contact Danielle.

VBN Endorsed

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