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Season 1

Episode 1

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Welcome to VPN radio. bringing the community together and the page to life. VBN radio

Hi, I'm Jeff. And I'm Danielle. And this is VBN radio. All right, so it's turkey time. Oh my god. I can't believe in love. I do too. Yeah. I love eating leftovers for like six days. And I'm not kidding. I would eat turkey for six days, but it doesn't last that long in my house. No. How long does it last one year?

Not very long. No, no, thank you. Sorry. Yeah, my dad calls me from the grocery store says what size Turkey Do you want? Say I want the biggest one they have was at 84 pounds. Because they have 25 pounds. I say I'll take that one. Okay, so and that last day in a day and a half? I don't know. Curious Turkey you get once a year generally is when people get to be serious eater.

Wait, how many people are eating?

There's like four or five maybe?

Got like tryptophan going? Oh my gosh. Okay, that's

40 hours of the year. That's pretty good. Are you a good cook? No.

She's very honest.

Quick answer. Yeah,

I think we all can relate. Right? Do you look, I do cook. I tried. I'm normally I like to kind of like just do my own thing. I don't necessarily follow a recipe book. And my family says I'm pretty good until I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner. I cooked the bag of fun. Left that inside the dirt. We were carving the turkey and then my kids like that. Dad, there's a prize in there. What? And literally, he pulls out the bag and it's got you know, the gizzards and the giblets and every pieces and parts in there.

But did the turkey taste good?

It was good. Yeah, it was good. But it was so embarrassed. You know? Anybody else done that? I mean, am I the only one I

know. I don't? I don't have the turkey. Okay, so Oh, yes, the turkey. I passed that to my mom. Yeah, that's a mom's Yeah, that's

okay. You guys do the old you know, the shot thing with the flavoring like the garlic baster.

Yeah, yeah, you have to do that. It's was it every hour or two hours or whatever it is? Yeah. And you baste it and then you put it back in? And okay. Yeah, that's all day until finally you can eat it because that's the whole point.

I was gonna say if you don't base it dries right out. It's fast. Yeah, pretty nasty stuff. As far as Turkey goes, have you ever had anything else other than turkey?

On Thanksgiving? You know, last time?

I was pushing for steak. That'd be honest. We have turkey all the time.

Like a ham for like a Christmas or New Year's Eve but on Turkey if if turkeys are being prepped and ready to go with it as Turkey at our house, yeah.

Wow. Okay. So when you're doing this whole big spread, and did the kids help at all? Are they involved? Yeah, not at all. No, they're

not. No, no, they're teenagers. So well, the teenagers will make something every once in a while, maybe before or after, but generally speaking.

Oh, yeah. Okay, well, I usually get my kids involved. I forced them into it though. That

I need the space okay, I'm gonna have to I like to cook so I'm gonna cut the elbow room

okay. And with with that when you're doing your turkey you personally well you said you're not you're not the one cooking the turkey Yeah, but when you when you're doing the turkey is it in that plastic bag?

Yeah, again, I'm the only one ziplock butterball

just because I put the bag inside and take it out.

No all that comes out.

She's I know what she's thinking. She's like he probably left the wrapper on to

this woman says he cooks and we've learned

there's, there's these bags that you can buy that you can put the turkey in and it's supposed to keep it extra moist.

Oh, no. Okay, we Freebird me up and it goes in the favor in the


yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna catch it for this one. I know my wife's gonna tell a little story. And I'm not going to either will do that or another episode. So is there going to be this year any type of a page for VPN that will help people out with their Turkey so that they don't make a mistake like I did with the bag and leaving the wrapper on. Like, okay, self help, actually thought to do that, too.

It sounds like a really very post. That's like a self help all the things you shouldn't do. Yeah, let's let people know how long in the microwave. They're supposed to cook the turkey. All of the important facts are important things. Yeah.

And I know that I read just the other day they said it's actually good to have a drink with your Thanksgiving dinner. However, I will tell you two years ago I had two drinks and then I complained about the turkey to my mother in law didn't go over so well. We after two Yeah, well, I mean, he's got an easy day. Yeah, of course they were in a big 42 outs, you know? Oh 42 drinks. Well, I wanted to keep it cold. So I put it in tandem one of those those drinks. So one of the mugs. I couldn't think what it is I'm having a flashback to me waking up on somebody's couch going where am I? Yes, yes, yes. Very good. So, tell me about when it's turkey time in your house. Is it decorated all over the place? Yeah, false stuff. Right and stuff. Okay. So, turkeys. No, no kittens. Yeah. Yeah, we're a little weird. It's not as exciting as it probably looks normal in your house. We have turkeys like my wife likes to put turkeys out. So there's some Cubans sitting No, no, no, no, it looks like we're a bunch of maniacs. You go around our houses like they've got turkeys everywhere. Wow. This is really special for them. Okay, they're a little nuts. Quality holiday.

It's yeah, Turkey decoration. Yeah.

And of course, you know, Thanksgiving came a little early this year. I mean, we're still doing it on Thanksgiving. But every year you know, your decorations, your everything in the store. You're seeing it earlier. You know, like Christmas is out effect. I think putting actually little Christmas hats on the turkeys. And they started

Christmas right after the fourth of July, right? Yeah. Well, I tell

you what, speaking to Thanksgiving, I've got a game. Okay. Okay. All right. So this is this is going to be fun. This is the double letter game. I'm going to ask you a question. And then the answer has to be two words with each of the two words beginning with the letter P. Okay. Okay. So you got that? Maybe we're gonna find out. Yeah. All right. Here we go. All right. It's a favorite Thanksgiving dinner treat.

Oh, pumpkin pie. Wow. She's killing it. It's the best pie. There is no other answer. All

right. Yeah. This one Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pickles. Perfect. pickled peppers. Plus,

you probably haven't heard that in a while. You gotta give her give me. All right. Before the internet kids would write these friends a letter. Pen Pal. Oh, she's killing it. All right. Often as a president leaves the office, he sets people free with

presidential pardons. Excellent.

That's what it's all about. Clever. Very clever. So tell me about your kids. Because we haven't talked about that yet. And I don't know if there's a taboo thing with talking about the kids or no. Kids. Can we talk about

kids? Yeah, they're at the age of majority. So let's talk all about All right. All right.

So tell me about the kids. Your daughter Sophia.

She's 18. Okay, now I have a stepson Caleb who's 19. Okay. Yeah.

And they both they both participate around the house. They both get along? Well, yes. They listen to you about

every only right answer to that question. Well, you have two kids. Yeah.

Well, one doesn't have to listen to me. He's not here. He's a country. Yeah. So you know, and and he's older now. So he just kind of looks at me with that. That look like I'm sure you all did, like, sure. Dad. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, I know everything now because I'm older. So college. Yeah. College. Yeah. graduated college in Japan teaching English. Amazing. He doesn't know a lick into Japanese. He doesn't know what they're saying if it's wrong, but no, no, he's a lot of the people he teaches are people that know a little bit of English, but they want to have conversational English. I mean, yeah. So and so he helps teach them English. And some of his stories are quite interesting. Your daughter and the daughter is involved in radiation therapy school. Very so yeah, she's going to Broward that kind of happened that evolved from my mom ended up getting sick a while ago. And that inspired my daughter to get into that. So what are your kids wanted?

My daughter is a criminal justice major. And my son actually will be starting in January as the same thing. So one wants to be a police officer and one is unsure Okay. Attorney profiler. profiler

profiler. Be cool. I think so. Maybe she might be sitting off to the side. I went through criminal justice school.

I also made you an account SS works. I know. This is lookout world. Mind blown.

I graduated the academy. They had a hiring freeze for two years. I worked for a municipality for like two years. And then I got into radio. Yeah, because that's what you do. There's no police officer. I'm gonna go. That's great. Nobody shoots at you in the sound booth.

That's yeah. So safe. Yeah, it's safe. Yeah. No, God bless the people put their lives on the line. Yeah, I suspect that. I mean that it's a criminal justice major with the legal route. So paralegal, and now I just run VPN and my husband's office,

not just running. It's a process and we're going to talk more about that. Are episode because it really is amazing. You think, oh, what's the Facebook page? It's it's just a couple of things I got to look at.

There's a lot more to it.

So what is the criminal justice thing? Something that runs in your family or? I mean? I'd say yeah,

there's three. Yeah, it's possible. It's possible, I think find it very, very interesting. There's a lot to it. There's a lot of different facets from being police officers to you know, fire and ambulance to all of these different kind of offshoots of the criminal justice. And so I think that's what fascinates, so there's a lot there to choose from. It's not like I'm an English major. Now, there's anything wrong with that. Right? It's, that's English, as opposed to you know, there's some things like being a doctor. Yeah, you choose all different types of medicine. It's kind of something like that.

Okay. Yeah. Well, on that note, I do want to say this, that whenever you said I've taught my kids this over the years, I said whenever you see anybody in the emergency services in general, whether they're EMTs police officers, firemen walk up, shake their hand, Tom, thank you don't get enough of that. And I'm telling you, when you when it happens, you'll see some of them legit. They'll be like, Thank you, like they don't even know what to say because they didn't expect it.

Now. It's those daily doses of encouragement, which is something that you do anyway, it's something that VBN promotes. It's an ASIC way to to be in the community for sure.

So next time on VBN we're going to be pulling out the big interview. Are we going to do that guy that flies around and kills everything? I hope so. If you've ever seen the How could you miss it right? Yes, yeah, I was gonna say how can you miss this guy? He's buzzing over your head and you're like, what is that? I'll never forget the first time I moved to vero and saw this guy. I thought somebody's still playing and

I really love people asking you know that they're new and I love to welcome them. So it's a really great thing. So yes, if we can, we will attempt to contact him and have him on the hit man in the yellow player. Alright, thanks for watching TV and radio.

Episode 2

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Get ready to hear all things Vero Beach neighborhood, while we bring the community together and the page to life here on Vbn, radio, FM radio, and podcast and well it's 50 different things, you just gonna have to wait each week and we'll reveal like an onion, we're gonna peel it back and you'll be able to see more and more. This is the amazing and talented Daniel Wynkoop. And if you haven't met her yet, shame on you. But you've been on the page, so you must know her right. Speaking of which, what gave you the idea to start out with Vero Beach neighborhood?

Oh, gosh, it was it was an accident, accidental and complete act accident. Yeah, I wish I could have those like that. So ended up being like a catch all page for another page that was more specific. And it ended up having its own life. And I'm really very grateful for the members. And it's, it is what it is.

It is amazing. Thank you. Like when you think about all the pages and then I hear from people around town, and I'm sure you've been on the page many times maybe probably explored it better than I have. But I'm always finding out about new pages. So how many pages are there? How many different subjects are is that what you call PBN? Like empire? Empire? Look, I am your father.

So there's pizza friends meetup, photography club, regular VPN will stop there for Wow. Yeah. Okay. Within there's little, little offshoots of those two, I find that people are like talking about things and then somebody brings something up, and I mean, so it's, I mean, you regulate all this on your own right?

No, I have partners who can possibly do something on so for the pizza page I have? Well, it's just me. Okay. And then for chillax pizza. I love pizza. And then who doesn't love pizza though, right. It's the best food. The king of foods really? So. Regular Vbn is Mike peruta. And Rachel McNamara okay. And so they helped me do that.

Speaking of pizza, have stepped back. What's your favorite pizza? I don't know if I should I ask where can we ask where I say where we can say that? Right?

I love all pizza.

Okay. All right. So what's your favorite pizza, then? We won't say please. Just what? Are you a Hawaiian girl?

Okay, hula skirt. No, you can never admit to that even though everyone know I will I wear two or three three of my size. So I like just playing like a plane. Like I like a lemon water ice, like and then you can compare it to other ones. It is the standard by which all other pizzas,

okay, wait a minute. When I say playing, you're talking about like, cheese, cheese, just cheese.

That's a hit. Here. You're in charge of the pizza page, right? I mean, you've seen the pizza page. You know what I'm talking about. And I'm thinking you've got this. The elaborately built meats are some other pieces that I like. But if I had to pick one to eat all the time, every day, it would be playing. Wow. But if I had to believe we're going toppings, like a mushroom. Sausage. What do you like?

I'm definitely a meat guy. Okay, I mean, anything. I mean, you could put a half a deer on it. And I'd be happy. Some people are like No, Peter. No. But no, I do. I like I like meat. But I don't like it to be too greasy either to tear which is hard to do with the meats of pizza.

I'd have a good fault. Yeah, but if it's running down my arm. Yeah, that's gonna mean a little bit. Yeah, not too too much. Yeah, but the fold is very important is to have a fold and they'll flop and then it's got a you know, so do you fold lengthwise or do you fold in half like a sandwich? No, that's blasphemy.

I've been doing it wrong.

Both long ways. Yeah. Okay.

Wow. I had no idea. And is that is that a New York thing? Or where's that from?

Oh, I can't say that. Again. That's a whole other controversy. Oh, one that we'll get to in another episode.

Oh my god. Oh, now we have to wait. Thanks for the teaser. Very good. thick crust and crust, regular, regular regular. I don't like it too thin and crispy or too fluffy. It just you know, just write a little Bear's pizza.

Material. Really? Oh, I love that. That's the only way I eat my crust is if there's cheese stuffed in there. Even if you have to do it.

I know. A good ranch dip. That's a must. Okay, yeah,

I could go with that. I could hear that. Yeah, go. What about have you ever had a seafood pizza?

Oh, no. Okay, so I dropped a healthy boundary at seafood on pizza. Where sardines. No shrimps? No, nothing that's good for you. No spinach. No broccoli.

Okay, you're gonna spend a chunk of it just curious. Okay. Just checking. So this whole adventure of Vero Beach neighborhoods has really helped bring people together. There's some people that come to town and I'll never forget when I first moved here. Actually, people tried to persuade me for moving here. I kid you not. They were like, don't move here. There's no culture. There's nothing your kids will be bored. They'll run away from you. And I'm like, what and He He had no, absolutely. And I came to the area and I was just amazed. But the one thing that was really difficult was to find other people to meet, you know. And that's one of the cool things that Vero Beach neighborhoods does is it's got this this page, where people can meet up and do walks and all kinds of whatever they want to do. There has to be a place where people can commune Yeah. And so I'm very, like humbled to have VBN and have people love it and use it and have they've met longtime friends and there's activities and all kinds of stuff. And it is kind of become the watercooler. Yeah. What it is. So now so as we move forward, we're happy to bring you VPN radio, which would be all things VPN, what's going on the page, how you can be part of it. All kinds of stuff. Yeah.

And we can't wait for you to be a part of it. Absolutely. I actually on that page, join the goat cult. There's a goat called you didn't know that was a thing. Yeah, it's no. No. Okay. Just a side thing.

Like, wait, did something spur somewhere you can get this card out. But there's actually a there's a page. It's like over a million people were the people pretend to be ants. And so it's like, oh, I need to build a home and everyone's like, build, build, build in the comments. This is a true thing. And I Okay, so quarantine was a little boring. And so I joined this page, and I watched it. It was amazing. So I'm happy to tell people about their chance they get there. It's people who pretend to be ants. I can't make PBN or where's this? This is another page. It's on fist on Facebook. So I feel like VBN has a lot of work to do to keep up with some of these other pages. It's Jade. Yeah, we can be Palmetto. But would that be great? It's like, Oh, my God, what's the strangest thing so far that you've seen? Oh, there's so many because we love them all. But we love them all. I think people have moments and we love people. And so feel them as they come in. Yeah, I think there's there's all kinds of characters both good and bad. Yeah. And so it just it is what it is.

Yes. Because of the bad How do you filter that out? Because there's I know that. Of course, as we all know, the last two years, there's been a lot of political mishmash going on. So we just don't allow it. It's just we want things that bring people together, not things that divide. And so it's not for lack of admins, or for a lack of wanting to do just even more work. It's strictly because we want a platform where people are kind to each other, they make good connections, and that's what it's for. So when people are ugly, I set the same standard for myself, as I said, For everyone else, if you're making things up, if you're being rude is as deviant is not the place for you. There has to be a standard.

I was gonna say, I mean, you know, there are many sites that you can go to where people are bickering back and forth. And quite honestly, people drop those sites so quickly, you know, and the one thing I've noticed you guys do, and I don't know how you do it, because it doesn't matter what time of the morning, you're on that thing, because there's been a couple of nights where the voices in my head kick, you know, but I'll be on looking and it's just like, Wow, all this stuff is the good thing is you're letting people have their opinions, but you're just making sure that they're keeping respectful and positive. And that's, that's so good to have in a world like today because as we all know, right? It gets a little nuts out there. So absolutely, absolutely. So that's what we keep doing and that's what VBN radio will do as well. Just as long as we're helping people that's what we want to do. So VBN radio there it is. You gotta get to know it a little bit better because wait until you see who we're gonna have on next time.

It's gonna be amazing. Who are we? Oh, it's it's Mike kurta the great Mike Prudhoe he's gonna fill us in on all things burn related his war with with a neighborhood that shall not be mentioned. All kinds of stuff.

Okay. All right. Yeah, we're so I'm curious. I don't even know. No, I have to wait to watch just like you watch. All right. Welcome to VBN radio, bringing the community together and the page to life. BVN radio

Episode 3

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Welcome back to VPN Radio. I'm still Danielle and this is Jeff, how you doing? Thanks again for being here for watching for listening. So you can check it out on a podcast too. You can find it Spotify and Apple as well. So be able to check it out there. Speaking of checking things out, the art stroll is here in town, you know, every beginning of each month, you can go do the art stroll, which is downtown, visit all the different galleries and stuff like that. So I did that. I haven't done it in a while. It's really fun. So whether you're into art or you're into wine, no, I shouldn't say they do serve wine at each of the galleries, which I didn't realize that before. Yeah, until this past week. It's very fancy it is. Yeah, it's so nice. And I'm in there. And I'm in one of the galleries, which I won't mention. And this lady was was I noticed she had had a couple glasses of wine. And I think that was her third gallery. And she had said to the guy, she goes, I'm gonna buy that painting. I'm just, I'm gonna buy it. And she's initially saying, and she's slurring her words, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, and it was like six grand, six grand, it's more than my car costs. So she's like buying this painting. And I said, Ma'am, it's a nice painting. I said, but just be careful. I said, you might be a little tipsy. She's like, Excuse me. What what? I said, you might be a little drunk. And she goes, Well, I might be drunk, but you're ugly and that. That won't change. She did not. Yeah, yeah. So I was like, okay, that's your painting, bring it up for just like, okay, but it's it's kind of cool. Yeah, if you've never done it before, it's something that is fun to go to. Unless you're with people like me, and you embarrass the people you're with, but, but to go and be able to check out all the different artists, some are local artists, some are not. But it really is amazing. The creativity that's here in the area. So cool. There's also what I just heard is, there is a reality show that's going to be here in Vero Beach. They're filming in Vero Beach, believe it or not, and I was just I was reading about it. I'm just trying to find out more details because it's, it's on Fox, they're gonna start filming it here. I guess starting in January. What? Yeah, yeah. It's sponsored by AARP. And it's called dating my grandmother. But instead of getting to the point where you have the Fantasy Suite, it's actually you just snuggle in a booth at IHOP. So yeah, in that suite. Yeah. So it'll be it'll be a good thing. Tim Cook pancakes. Yeah. Well, you know, and it sounds believable. It's not totally, but they could do that. We have a lot of retirees here.

Nobody should do something with we should do Speed Round dating for older retired people. What has to be older retired people? Well, it may be that speed will do normal, normal speed up for anyone, I think, a lot of eligible people. Right. And everyone's always complaining that I think that there's more people here now than then there is too.

I agree. I agree. And honestly, I've always seen like speed round dating or you know, people meet online of course, all the time. But I've never seen anything set up for older people that are single. Yeah, that's that's something we should do. Actually. Maybe you'll do it. Maybe not. Yeah, if you're if you think that's a good idea.

Vbn is at capacity right? I'm sure someone could maybe that would be the meetup group. You know, the non Speed Round dating for retirees. I think that would be good. Or we could do one for sugar. mamas. No beeps. I'm always just people for like, friends. We are two different people. Right, maybe just just for people to meet people. Yeah, like, friendship. Speed. Something. Yeah. Speed friendships. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Not that they don't crash and burn. They're. You know, like me some people.

Yeah, yeah. Advanced friendship meeting or something. Yeah, yes. Yeah. It doesn't have to be dating. You can have a best friend for life and three minutes or less can how many people are lonely? We could help them. That's true. It's true. I don't like when people are lonely. I have to fix that.

Yeah, that's true. I always tried to fix it. But then I got arrested because I'd hug everybody. And then I get all hansy. Just just say that I was kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. So but no, there's so many cool things to do here in town. And then we were talking about this actually, before, before we started the show today, that there's this I thought it was a small group. There's a massive group of people that watch the rocket launchers. And I didn't realize this. I took my two exchange students with me to the airport, and we went to the airport restaurant that's there. And we went outside in the back where they've got this nice little area and we watched this past week's rocket launch. And I like I was first of all, it was great. It was super bright. You could see everything. But as we're sitting out there, it's literally only me and the kids, right? And then all of a sudden one My machine students goes, look behind us. I'm like, why? So turn around, there's gotta be 40 people back there behind, like, almost snap of like, I thought it was a surprise party at first, then I was like, why don't have anything special?

No, no, it's super, super popular, we should go to the beach and watch. So we'll sit there for a little bit and enjoy the waves. And it's quite an all of a sudden, all of the people, they all congregate, and it's just massive. And then you see the rocket launch. And it's beautiful. And five minutes later, everyone just disappears again, I don't know where they come from. So cool. I don't know. But I guess they come just for that or just, yeah, in the end, would you

say how many people come out to the beach? When I was there, the time that it happened, there was hundreds without exaggeration. There were hundreds one already. And I think it depends on the time of year and when it's gonna happen. And so you can actually watch it live while it's occurring. And the SpaceX group who actually puts out the information recently just joined Vbn. So very cool. It's one of those like, Cornerstone moments that you have, like, oh, it's out of this total dad joke. So no, I love it. It was cool. Really, really honored that they would join the pages. So I'm thrilled about that. And I love those those events. I don't like when they reschedule them, which is what has to happen. Yeah, but it's it's an awesome time just to go sit on the beach, relax, and watch. It's very cool what they're doing. If you're a rocket person, you love watching the launches. Do us a favor, make a comment below and tell us where you watch them, even if it's your backyard, but the beach would be awesome. I've never been on the beach for a launch yet. But that would be amazing.

Water. Oh, it's like a whole evening of just relaxation. I love it thought about Yeah. Oh, and you get points if you put a picture in the comments as well. So if you have a picture of the long shore where you were sitting, the more the merrier.

Okay, well, that's awesome. So if you want extra points, and you know what those points are good for? Because I know you do. Alright, I'll

give away t shirt. Oh, random person from the comment. You want a t shirt?

Is it one of these ones? Oh, well, yeah, let's do this one. Oh, and for those you listening on podcast now you'll have to go to YouTube and watch the show. So you know what shirt a pointy hat. That's the way to recycle. There it is. So well that that's really cool. Yeah. And now Now you've got NASA that's on your page. This this is awesome. Wow. I didn't know that. Very cool. Cool. Very crappy to have them. Yeah. Throughout

Ghana. Good. Speaking of exchange students. Yes. I have two exchange students. I might not have mentioned that before. But we have one from Spain, one from Italy. And at first, it took a little bit of discussing with my wife like, Should we do it? Should we not do it? What are the pitfalls? Well, they were really they really aren't much. Yeah. And now that we've signed up, and we've done it now for almost four months. I love it. I mean, these kids are amazing. And you know, what's kind of cool is we don't we never talked about them about expectations. Yeah, but they just automatically make their beds and put their stuff away and cleaned. I mean, we'll come down, the dishes will be done. And the vac the vacuum and I'm like, What do you guys do? And you're here, you're here to experience America? Not vacuum floors?

Are many awesome. Yes, this may give me the stink eye to my daughter who's sitting there.

So we're gonna have eight more of those. No kidding. I'm kidding. No, but honestly, if I had the room, I would I'd have a couple more kids just because it's such a great experience. You get this, this whole other, you know, I sound like Disney, a whole new. And the kids are coming in and you're getting to learn a little bit of their culture. I have never heard a complaint from someone who has had an exchange student, they always think it's the best experience and the people they get are lovely. And they love having them. And so it'll be their first Christmas parade.

Yeah, in fact, this will be their first American Christmas because they both want to Yeah, when we talk to them about Christmas and experiences. And I know that by the way, if you have a special Christmas tradition, please put that below in the comments. I would love to hear about it. Because everybody has something different. Oh, yeah. Lajos we do. We put the tree up. But we don't decorate the tree. We take each we take an ornament. And each of us pick an ornament for the very first ornament to put on the tree. Yeah. And then then after that first one, then we all just, you know, decorate the rest of the tree. So that's our tradition. But the kids were like, That's so cool. And I'm like, really? It just kind of sounds like you know, something to do. No, that's really nice. But yeah, they were like so excited to be here for Christmas because they want to see how we do it.

You have such a nice Christmas. Oh, it's it's fun. Come Thanksgiving weekend like Gabby's a tray or the time to set up. That's what we do. And then all the lights gone and all the alarms, let's get it and get the totes out of there. And then we can officially start relaxing. But until that, yeah, I know that people do what you do, which sounds so like, a better plan than when I tell you. It's pretty basic, but it's just something we've done every year and then and then in the morning. What we'll do is Christmas morning. We always do pancakes. Nobody opens presents until after the pancakes. You know your wife the syrup off. Yeah. And then and then we do pancakes then presents, and then take a little breather. And then after that sometimes we'll go out for a walk or whatever. But the kids had already said this year they're like, can we do Christmas on the beach? And I'm like, Yeah, I've never done Christmas on the beach and they're like, yeah, look at me like you're doing it wrong. You live here. You know, so So that's fun. Yeah, I think it'd be awesome. Good time.

All right. So what do you guys do for Christmas? For Christmas? We wake up Christmas Eve is really like my favorite time. I think we go to Christmas Eve service. And then we each we like each other open one gift, just to kind of like that's a build up, right? Yes, it's filled up. We were excited. So like, little token thing. And then instead of stockings, we don't do stockings. Q shock. We do Christmas box. So it's kind of there's all kinds of things in the box about this big and so each of my kids gets one of those they can open. And we cook and we eat and we relax and watch Christmas movie. It's fantastic. And the next morning will open i usually attempt to crockpot french toast. Okay, I only did it successfully the first year. But that has not stopped me every other year from burning the living rock patootie out of bread. Okay, and you just like blew my mind crock pot, French toast.

So this is how it's supposed to work. You cut the toast or cut the bread, stick it in there, cubes, sticks, however, whatever you prefer. Then you pour the egg mixed with the brown sugar and the cinnamon and all that overtop. Okay, you turn your crock pot on low, and within like an hour ish hour and a half. You have french toast. Oh

kidding. I've never even heard of that one before.

It's wonderful. And the best part is that by the time you're done opening presents, you have this beautiful smell in the house.

Oh, yeah, you would. Yeah. And

I can smell that all day like they should make to breakfast pillows that smell like that you can sleep better at night.

French toast pillows.

Speaking of which, again, again, put below in comments what you do food tradition wise. And if there's a street that's decorated with lights, tell us about it. Because I love I am like still like a four year old kid. I'm mesmerized by lights. I'll go down the street. I'm serious. I'll pull over No. Oh,

I love that ready. My love for streets. Always a good one. Okay, and I use that pretty for women to get back and forth just from you know, 58th to the other side. And I'll usually have a lot of the houses on either side. So I highly recommend Fourth Street. Nice, you know, but quickly because I got to places to be moving look move.

Take pictures, kids. It's gonna go by quick. So yeah, I'll do a lot of things in the comments. Yeah. Which is really good. Please. So stick all your comments there because we're going to show all your comments there. Because if you don't get cold, kidding.

Alright, so things coming up. Yes. Let's start with the Christmas parade is well, let's say that we are this is Saturday morning. This is Yeah, so it'll be this evening. The Candy Cane Run. I think it's what it's called candy cane marathon candy cane. Those over? Is that the handoff run? No, they just run and run back and God bless them because it's candy canes. They're all dressed for Christmas. Oh, I guess they have candy canes, but we should. Yeah, we should. These are the fitness buffs. Oh yeah.

Probably non sugar. No, I'll be eating the candy cane sitting in a chair on the side. Like watch it. So that starts at 515. Okay, then the Christmas parade starts at six. So, people were talking about where to park? I don't know. I heard that Riverside has a shuttle. So potentially you could park at Riverside Park and be shuttled back and forth. So that's good. But bring a chair. Bring a blanket if it's chilly. Yeah. It's really a lovely time. If you've not been there before. I highly recommend go there. Go there early. Eat and be ready. It's just I want to say like the most simple delivery like you just sound satin. They it's such good old fashioned Christmas favorite things ever. So I love love love. So definitely check that out.

And if you can't find a place to park what I always do is I take an extra sheet of paper that says I've called the tow truck, please don't do anything. I park right on people's lawns works great. Now there's private property. No, you did not fear which neighborhood did not tell you to do that.

That's not endorsed by video.

Okay, the other thing that's happening Yeah, ready? Is the high school band is selling Christmas trees. They have a tent on 37 for the hospitalist

Oh, yeah. Road. Okay. That's what the tent was. I thought a mini circus was coming to town. Yes, but No, it's for the high school band. And we're we'd like to support like sport local. So if you want to go there, start there. Look for your Christmas trees. Also, the VBN team will be there from two to four. And what we're asking you to do is to bring treestands tree lights to treat one events and for everyone who donates that we're going to give you a VBN t shirt. All right, so that's sizes and supplies while they last be of your choice of a Christmas shirt or vintage Christmas shirt or regular VBN shirts that will bring with us. Oh no. Yes. So make sure to every year buys Christmas trees for everyone. Yeah, and he does that it and a lot of other people have sponsored that as well, which is lovely for for those who need a Christmas tree. And so we would like to, as a group, continue to help him do that. And so we want to decorate those trees, because they're going to need stands and we're gonna Minson well thank you Mike for doing that. That is awfully cool. And speaking of Mike donated Yeah, I think we're gonna have Monat sometime we are going to have him on. Yeah, so about a huge battle that's going on in town. That's right.

We need an update. Update on the berm.

Yeah. So find out more about that. And if you're going What is that about? What's the berm? Go on to Vero Beach neighborhoods on Facebook. Type that in just the berm. Right. Even just berm Do you think? Even just berm Yeah. And that'll probably get you there so you can find out more. And that's all the time we have today, folks. Yeah. But thank you for watching. We appreciate you being here. Yes. Is that it? Or do we have our No That's it. I want to make sure no. Okay.

Yes. All right. But our plan is to be here weekly with you. Yeah, update you all. Thanks, Vero Beach neighborhood.

And if you can't be here to watch call us because we can be at your house. Yeah, so long as you can do the crock pot thing like she does.

Yes. Toast Oh. So thanks for joining us this week on VBN radio and remember, if you have time to be ugly, you have time to help someone bringing the community together and the page to learn VBN radio

Season 2

